Get To Know Our Elite Performance and Health Coaches


Mary Whipple Murray

Mary is a 3-time Olympic Medalist in the 2004, 2008, and 2012 games in Rowing as a coxswain. She has been with Shaklee since 2012 because of the high-quality products. After over 10 years of using Shaklee as her one-stop wellness shop in nutrition, skincare, and home support, she has decided to share her experiences and start directly helping others. Her only regret is not deciding to do so sooner. If you would like to request Mary as your coach, please do so in your free consultation.


Jennifer Kaido Floyd

Jennifer is a 2008 Olympian and a 3-time World Cup Medalist in Rowing. She has trained with some of the best athletes and coaches in the world. ​She also learned from the top physical therapists, massage therapists, athletic trainers, and nutritionists during her tenure and knows how to fuel her body for competition and live a healthy lifestyle. ​ That knowledge has carried over into motherhood, career, and life in general. ​She sees her body as a machine, and only the cleanest and safest products help keep her going. She would love to help you reach your goals. If you would like to request Jennifer as your coach, please do so in your free consultation.


Colton Brown

Colton is a 2016 and 2020 Olympian in Judo. He was introduced to Shaklee in 2019 and coached the future generations of USA Judo. He is his own testimony in using Shaklee regimens to help with weight management and recovery. With his busy schedule of coaching not only in the States but abroad at US training camps and competitions, his regimens have only helped him stay more focused and healthier. If you would like to learn more about Colton or request him as your coach, please do so in your free consultation.